Things to Know About Family Shelters

Family shelters provide secure, temporary refuge and a supportive environment to homeless families. These shelters are also available specifically for abused women and their children. Once you have been accepted into the family shelter, the shelter will help you get back on your feet by providing you with support and care that you need in order to make a rough transition in your life. While it is encouraged that you stay for a short time, there is no maximum length of stay, usually shelter's staff and social workers determine length of stay on case by case basis.
These family shelters are often times funded by the government but they sometimes also take private donations as well. Even though they offer beds to sleep on, this isn't all they offer. They also offer programs and training as well. The Department of Housing and Urban Development publishes many studies showing the growing poverty rates across the United States and if we take note of these studies, we can better understand why this is happening and thus, do a better job to help those in need.
Supporting Organizations
The Salvation Army is a social service organization that also functions as a religious group as well. Founded by William Booth over 130 years ago, it is dedicated to fighting against sin and despair. The programs in the Salvation army are designed to assist children, women, elderly men, families and those who are battling or who have battled addiction.
Citygate Network help people in need, including homeless people. The services offered are not discriminated on race, age, religion, color, origin or any other determination.
Department of Veterans Affairs offers many special programs that are designed to help homeless veterans specifically. Even though the programs are limited to veterans and the ones who depend on them, their programs constitute the largest network of homeless treatment and help services in the country.
Feeding America is the biggest domestic hunger relief charity in the country. It provides food assistance to more than 25 million low-income people in the United States. This is also including over 9 million children and almost 3 million seniors.